Communication Guidelines
We encourage you to participate in GridRepublic's forums, our social networks or any other form of online publishing or discussion on our website. When doing so, you agree to follow our Communication Guidelines:
- Respect others. This includes not only the obvious (e.g. no ethnic slurs, personal insults, obscenity), but also proper consideration of topics that may be considered objectionable or inflammatory, such as politics and religion. Don't pick fights or try to settle scores.
- Do not post any content that:
- is inaccurate, harmful, threatening, obscene, pornographic, defamatory, discriminatory, racist, violent, offensive, harassing, or otherwise objectionable;
- violates any contractual agreements you might have with another;
- consists of marketing materials, advertising or solicitations or anything that constitutes spam.
- advocates violence or provides instruction, information or assistance in causing or carrying out violence.
- At the sole discretion of GridRepublic, any offensive or inappropriate content on our sites may be edited, locked or deleted. Members who demonstrate intolerance of other members or disrupt the forums will be banned.
- Our forum, social media channels, and other online publishing spaces are not intended for topics, agendas, or causes other than GridRepublic and supported research, nor for sharing confidential or restricted information, nor soliciting sales or employment or other personal topics or agendas.
- Be clear about who you are, and protect your privacy and that of others.
- Respect copyright and fair use laws.
- Protect confidential and proprietary information.
- Respect our Terms of Use
Please remember our collective goal, which is to work together to provide computing resources to advance and support humanitarian research and services.