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Compare your contributions with FaceBook-friends!?

Compare your contributions with FaceBook-friends!?

ID: 29968
Posts: 5

Dear Matt & other great developers!

I just got a job at a junior school, and I plan - together with the teachers - to introduce Gridreplublic to all the young people. But before I can do that, I need you to join hands with the developers of the FaceBook app called Boinc Stats or come up with a way to compare stats yourself. Boinc Stats can compare your personal stats with other FaceBook friends and show your personal world rank in the projects and your Team-stats.

To get young peoples attention we need to make it fun and interisting to compare your stats with others and see your team stats. You have allready made a great FB-app: Progress Thru Prosesses, but it needs the final touch: To compare with friends; see your personal position in your team and more stats.

The young people also need a mobile app for their Ipads Wink

I know that you have been testing other versions, but I soon hope to see some development, so that I can start the Gridrepuplic in other schools!

Best Regards


ID: 15261
Posts: 141

Mickey glad to hear there are teachers interested in spreading the awareness of this effort.  I agree there can be many improvements and hopefully some will be integrated in the site update.  Not sure of the timeframe for delivery of the update yet.  Hopefully soon.
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