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 Re: Boinc bleibt beim Aufbau einer Verbindung hängen, auch nach Neustart  Help 10/15/09 01:40 pm

I solved the problem temporarily by installing an elder version of BOINC, 6.6.36. This one works without problems.

There seems to be an error handling interruptions of the online link during downloading of new workunits.

Hope this could be fixed in the nest version.

Greetings to the Community



 Boinc bleibt beim Aufbau einer Verbindung hängen, auch nach Neustart  Help 10/14/09 09:42 pm
   Das folgende Problem habe ich noch nicht bei BOINC gehabt, obwohl ich schon 4 jahre lang dabei bin.
 Ich bearbeite z.Zt. 8 Projekte, zuletzt Cosmology@home und, nutze z.Zt. die Version BOINC 6.6.38 deutsch mit Win XP SP3 Pro.
 Ich war bei den letzten 2 Cosmology-Projekten über die Endzeit und wollte sie daher abbrechen. Damit begann der Ärger.
 Es blieb nach dem Runterfahren von Boinc und dem beenden der Aufgaben noch eine Anwendung aktiv, wie ich im Windows Task manager sehen konnte. Die habe ich dann über den Task-Manager abgebrochen. Beim Neustart von BOINC versuchte der Boincmgr, neue Aufgaben von cosmology@home zu laden, lud auch 2 vollständig herunter und war weitere 2 am Herunterladen. Dummerweise habe ich dann die Internetverbindung (TR-DSL 2000) unterbrochen.
 Danach blieb BOINC mit der AAnzeige hängen:
 'Kommuniziere mit dem BOINC Client. Bitte warten...' und bleibt da hängen.
 Wenn ich versuche, daws Programm zu beenden, ist das nicht so einfach, weil das Fenster immer wiederkommt und Eingaben ins Beenden-Fenster von BOINC blockiert. Es gelingt mir trotzdem nach vielen versuchen, das runterzufahren.
 Wenn ich nun BOINC neu starte, bleibt er immer wieder mit der o.g. Meldung 'Kommuniziere mit dem BOINC-CLient...' hängen.
 Nach Abbruch vie Task-Manager und Neustart von Windows gleiches Ergebnis.
 Nach Reparatur-Installation von boinc_6.6.38_windows_intelx86.exe das gleiche Ergebnis - er bleibt wieder hängen beim Versuch, zu kommunizieren. Zuvor lädt er aber noch die bisherigen TASK-Einstellungen, zeigt auch an, dass er 2 Cosmology-Arbeitseinheiten geladen hat und weitere 2 am herunterladen ist.
 climateprediction wird dann als aktiv eangezeigt, läuft aber nicht, d.h. geht nicht voran.
 Das Programm ist also unbedienbar, weil es sofort nach dem Neustart wieder versucht, Verbindung aufzubauen, und da hängen bleibt.
 Was kann ich tun ?
 Kann ich vermeiden, BOINC zu deinstallieren, komplett zu löschen, neu zu installieren und dann jede Menge Credits und STunden, die ich für climateprediction gerechnet habe, zu verlieren ?
 Vielen Dank für einen baldigen Hinweis, damit ich BOINC weiter arbeiten lassen kann.

 What happened to Cosmology@home ?  Help 03/29/09 10:46 am

Hello BOINC experts, since 4 days I could not connect to the server of Cosmology@home.

If I try to load

I get the following error message from SeaMonkey 1.1.15 (German version):

Verbindung zurückgesetzt



 Missing option to detach one of the projects - Rosetta@home sefver keeps sending requests every hour  Development 02/18/09 11:22 pm

Hello Grid computing experts !

I use BOINC version 6.4.5. Before I connected my jobs to GridRepublic it was possible to detach a project what I would or could not calculate for some time.

Under GridRepublic this option is blanked out.

I would like to have this option because I want the Rosetta project to stop the regularly 1 hour request messages like that:

18.02.2009 22:39:01|rosetta@home|Sending scheduler request: Requested by account manager. Requesting 0 seconds of work, reporting 0 completed tasks
18.02.2009 22:39:07|rosetta@home|Scheduler request completed: got 0 new tasks

Rosetta keeps on sending these sucking messages even if I set the rosetta project to ; no more tasks; halted by user. Up to now nobody could tell my how to stop that.

So please re-establish the option to detach from the project. If I erase it completelys I fear that I loose my ponts if I resume the calculations for Rosetta later again.

Thanks for Help



 Re: My Rosetta application keeps sending a scheduler request every hour and i can't stop it  Help 01/27/09 06:04 pm

I set my options for Rosetta now to accept new work and I got 1 new workunit for 17hours CPU time. Lets have a look what happens after this WU is crunched.

I would prefer an option of Grid Republic to set a project in a detached state without loosing the already evaluated bonus points.

Thanks for help



 Re: My Rosetta application keeps sending a scheduler request every hour and i can't stop it  Help 01/26/09 12:44 am

Hello, thanks for the fast reply.

I tried the option 'Anhalten' in the German BOINC version, and of course 'Keine neuen Aufgaben zulassen'. This did not solve the problem. The only solution would be that I cancel this project totally and then I would loose my credits earnde up to now.

Look at here:

25.01.2009 17:54:05|rosetta@home|Sending scheduler request: Requested by account manager. Requesting 0 seconds of work, reporting 0 completed tasks
25.01.2009 17:54:11|rosetta@home|Scheduler request succeeded: got 0 new tasks
25.01.2009 18:54:04||Contacting account manager at
25.01.2009 18:54:06||Account manager contact succeeded
25.01.2009 18:54:09|rosetta@home|Sending scheduler request: Requested by account manager. Requesting 0 seconds of work, reporting 0 completed tasks
25.01.2009 18:54:14|rosetta@home|Scheduler request succeeded: got 0 new tasks
25.01.2009 19:54:06||Contacting account manager at
25.01.2009 19:54:09||Account manager contact succeeded
25.01.2009 19:54:11|rosetta@home|Sending scheduler request: Requested by account manager. Requesting 0 seconds of work, reporting 0 completed tasks
25.01.2009 19:54:17|rosetta@home|Scheduler request succeeded: got 0 new tasks

Why does the account manager ask the sceduler every hou and what can I do to stop it ? Its only annoyingh, not an important inconvenience.




 My Rosetta application keeps sending a scheduler request every hour and i can't stop it  Help 01/23/09 12:25 am
 I am attached to Rosetta more than 1 year.
 Since I have 7 other BOINC applications running I have not regularly switched on the option for new work. At the moment it is set to 'Stopped by user, no more new tasks'.
 Befor I connected Rosetta to Grid Republic I had an option to detach from the project for some weeks without giving up my account.
 This is no more possible after connecting to The option for detach is just blanked out.
 What could I do to stop my application from sending scheduler requests ? On GridRepublic there is no option.
 I use Windows XP Pro SR3 and BOINC Manager 6.2.19, German version.
 Please give me a hint.

 Re: How to disable the default Grid Republic Screensaver ?  Help 12/16/08 12:18 am

Hello, it seems to work now.

I used the option 'Kontoverwaltung anmelden' of the last BOINC version and put the URL of the GridRepublic in.

Now I have a new entry in the right-click menu of BOINC: 'Öffne BOINC web' and if I choose this I get promptaway to GridRepublic homepage. And the screensaver does no more interfere.

thanks for help



 Re: How to disable the default Grid Republic Screensaver ?  Help 12/14/08 09:29 pm

Is there ANY solution for this problem using GridRepublic ?

Or do I have to stay with BOINC ?




 How to disable the default Grid Republic Screensaver ?  Help 11/24/08 03:19 pm

I need urgently information on the following topic which is up to now not included in the FAQ:

On GridRepublic the screensaver of the running application program starts automatically by default.

However this setting interferes with my F-Secure virus scan program. If the weekly virus routine is running - which takes about 70-90% of the cpu time - and the sreensaver is started by GridRepublic there is no more possibility to control the computer via the mouse. It is necessary to terminate GridRepublic using the Windows task manager and the running application results are lost with a computing error message. This is uncomfortable if there was already hours of cpu time gone into the broken task.

The options or preferences entry of the GridRepublic desktop does not provide any point to choose an option to disable the automatic start of the screen saver function. With the BOINC manger program earlier there was an option to choose the screensaver for each individual project.

I use Windows XP Pro SP3. In the system control option there is NO screensaver choosen and although this GridRepublic screensaver starts after some idle time.

Please leave here information what to do to include this option in GridRepublic.




 Re: How can I disable the automatic screen saver start for all applications ?  Help 11/16/08 11:33 am

I'm running Win XP Pro SP3. Of course I checked this but threre was 'none' selected in the screensaver option. Seems that GridRepublic installed its screen saver beneath Windows system control options. I am now gone back to the BOINC version 6.2.19 without screensaver.




 How can I disable the automatic screen saver start for all applications ?  Help 11/15/08 01:38 pm

I need urgently information on the following topic which is up to now not included in the FAQ:

On Grid Republic the screensaver of the running application program starts automatically by default.

However this setting interferes with my F-Secure virus scan program. If the weekly virus routine is running - which takes about 70-90% of the cpu time - and the sreensaver is started by GridRepublic there is no more possibility to control the computer via the mouse. It is necessary to terminate GridRepublic using the Windows task manager and the running application results are lost with a computing error message. This is uncomfortable if there was already hours of cpu time gone into the broken task.

The options or preferences entry of the Grid Republic desktop does not provide any point to choose an option to disable the automatic start of the screen saver function. With the BOINC manger program earlier there was an option to choose the screensaver for each individual project.

Please leave here information what to to to include this option in Grid Republic.




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