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 Re: Plans for mobile device client?  Development 07/18/13 05:44 pm

Mark, sorry we missed your comment for so long.

Yes, there is work planned for the Android system which the underlying software BOINC which powers GridRepublic is still in development and testing and does not yet support account management systems. It is on the roadmap. Thanks for asking.


 Re: question  Advocacy 07/18/13 05:19 pm

I suggest taking a look at the About section of our website and the subsection on how this works. Further reading about the underlying software is linked from there as well.


 Re: Wrong URL for MindModeling and other projects  Help 07/15/13 04:57 pm

We have a new list of updates for project url's which need to be signed and uploaded before that goes away. They are updated as we have resources to implement. This update is long over due and not something a user can fix on their end.


 Re: Unable to connect to the core client  Help 07/15/13 04:34 pm
seybernetx that is the strange thing about this specific issue. It is hard to diagnose as anything dealing with the internal network or configuration could cause it. Glad it is working now. Smiley...

 Re: Silent install  Help 06/17/13 01:56 am

Hi Brad,

We can help with silent install with GridRepublic. Send us a message through the contact us and I'll get what I can from the team what is needed for this. I believe it invovles attaching one client locally and extracting a config file to setup a custom installer. I'll watch for your contact message via


 Re: I want to join a team  Help 06/17/13 01:07 am

Hi scifreak,

Currently GridRepublic does not support joining teams, but is working on some designs on how to best implement them.


 Re: Unable to connect to the core client  Help 06/07/13 07:05 pm

Dnomy ID: 90307 Posts: 1 I'm having difficulties at home. When I point to the icon it say not connect to a client. On the simple view, I'm getting an error that says "Unable to connect to the core client" I don't seem to have this problem at the wifi at my parent's workplace. Can someone help me? (Friday, June 07 13, 1:51 AM)

Hi Dnomy,

The "Unable to connect to the core client" message is a very hard to diagnose issue. It has to do with your local machine's internal communication behavior as it is in regards to communication of the "manager" and the "client" two parts that make up the software installed.

Sometimes trying the cancel button will resolve the issue as the client has not yet booted up all the way or something weird is going on. A restart sometimes fixes this message as well. Sometimes reinstalling the software is needed to resolve.

Try these to see if any of them help. For the most part the client is still running, but the manager just can't show you how its running. I know it is not the best solution, but this is how best I have been able to resolve these thus far. I am always looking for more how to get a better diagnosis of this issue. If you can reproduce the situation every time let me know the steps. We do have a newer version of the software in the works to install which may improve upon this, but only time will tell. ...

 Re: no signing key  Help 05/22/13 03:29 pm

Hi Kenna,

Sorry for the delay in a reply. It appears there are two issues going on here. First the "no signing key" and second "15/05/2013 22:02:22Version change (7.0.64 -> 6.8.44)"

It appears this computer had BOINC previously installed and installed GridRepublic over top (the version change message). There is a known incompatibility with switching from a version 7 BOINC client to a version 6 BOINC client.  You must manually remove the BOINC folders to do a downgrade. ...

 Re: Seti Crashes on Win8  Help 05/22/13 03:15 pm

Hi Ken,

You said you did a clean install and GR was previously running ok. Was the previous operating system Windows 8?

The problem is with the Seti@home app not with GR or BOINC based on the report. GridRepublic does not run the projects so we can not fix any issues with project applications, but we can help find out the issue and let the projects know. I checked the Seti@home message boards and did not see any reports of issues running on Windows 8. Maybe the fresh install did not go perfectly or another program was conflicting with the operation of the seti app. You could try a project reset for the seti project to see if the app was corrupted and if a new download fixes the crash.


 Re: New GR user — do I also have a WCG account?  Help 05/09/13 12:14 am

Glad to hear it is working for you. WCG is the only project that has the username quirk for login. The rest use the email and password.


 Re: New GR user — do I also have a WCG account?  Help 05/07/13 01:42 pm

Sorry about that Eric, I gave the wrong information.

World Community Grid uses usernames not emails.  

I meant to say if the account was created by GridRepublic you would use the name that appears under the My Accoung tab on when you are logged in. Or the username that you created on World Community Grid if you joined that before joining GridRepublic.

Try that and it should work.


 Re: Docking@home Points  GR CafĂ© 04/23/13 06:28 pm


The Docking@home stats should be working now. You may need to log out and back in or use the refresh under the stats list. Can you verify?

Thank you for taking the time to report the issue.


 Re: New GR user — do I also have a WCG account?  Help 04/23/13 05:38 pm

Hi Eric,

If you did not have a World Community Grid (WCG) account before joining GridRepublic and you successfully added the WCG project on GridRepublic (success meaning you recieved work and see some points for that project in your account). Then yes you have an account now at the WCG. This is also true for all projects as GridRepublic acts as an intermediary only and does not run the projects.

While we do not yet have automatic login you can login to their site with your email and password from GridRepublic. If that does not work you should be able to recover your WCG account login information.

We would like to make this all as seamless as possible... in time.


 Re: Project Hogging both processor cores  Help 04/11/13 01:57 pm

Hi Greg,

This behavior could be for a few reasons.

First the "debt" level of the projects are imballanced by a project or two having run less than the others. This should balance out over time and needs no intervention.

Second if you are running a newer BOINC version (7+) the scheduling behavior has changed where projects are downloaded in batches and it is not uncommon for one project to use all cores then switch for another project to run all cores as batch processing allows.

Third yes the resource share could have caused a greater preference to one project to run more tasks at a time.

What type of computer are you running (windows, mac, linux)?


 Re: "How to print a certificate of participation"?  Help 04/11/13 01:53 pm

Hi Kimlianne,

If the project supports the certificate printing by enableing/updating their servers you can visit the project website and look for the "your account" link. The email and password would be your GridRepublic email and password.

Under the "computing and credit" section you should see a label "certificate" to be able to view and do as you wish.


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