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Latest posts of: Michael Chambers
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 Not trying to communicate with Milkyway@Home?  Help 06/19/10 06:52 pm

I was running fine with all four projects that I participate in, but as of a couple of weeks ago, my computer no longer attempts to communicate with Milkyway@Home, and I'm therefore not getting anyadditional WU's from them. They seem to be up and running, and I think they have plenty of work. I can force an "Update", but that always states "Not reporting or requesting tasks.", and I subsequently don't get any. Also, I do not have "Work Fetch" suspended on that project. What gives?

On a related question, is there any way of "Requesting new tasks." when doing a user initiated "Update"? Thanks a lot!


 Re: PTP Beta Test Discussion  Development 05/11/10 05:08 am

Maybe we both are! This happened when I joined PTP, and it offered to link to my Facebook account, so it happened within your application in Facebook. Here's the link to the page that is doing this:

I just did get to this by logging into Facebook, then clicking on "Applications" in the left column. The only application I've got there is "Progress Thru Processors". When I click on that, the opening screen says "Hello Michael - Tell everyone what you're doing...", and there's a text box there that I tried to put a short note into. Below that however, is a drop-down menu that says "Select a Project". There are a couple of additional check boxes below that, along with a "Submit" button, and a note that if I press "Submit", I'll be agreeing to the terms and conditions.

The problem I'm running into is that if I try to press "Submit" without selecting a project, it comes back telling me an error has occurred, and that I have to "Select a Project". The "Projects" are just sentence endings that are, I'm guessing, intended to complete the statement I make in the text box; i.e: "while fighting global warming.", etc.



 Re: PTP Beta Test Discussion  Development 05/11/10 04:30 am

Hi Matt! That all makes perfect sense, and sounds perfectly reasonable. But why can't a person just say hi to everyone without having to say they're running a project that they're not participating in. My first note included a poor choice of words., and I apologize for that. I completely understand that this has nothing to do with what I'm actually helping to analyze in BOINC. I'm talking about the invitation I got to submit a Facebook note about what I'm doing. Your set-up won't allow me to do that unless I agree to include a pre-prepared sentence that I'm helping to defeat global warming, or helping to save Africa from Malaria, or some such like that. I'm not running those projects, and don't feel that I should be blocked from participation until I say that I am.


 Re: PTP Beta Test Discussion  Development 05/09/10 11:11 pm
I just joined the Progress Thru Processors, although I've been running SETI@Home for many years. I've been asked to post what I'm doing, but it insists I "Pick a Project", and the only choices given are nowhere close to the projects I run. If I picked one of these, I'd be lying, and I'm not going to do that. IMHO, you should either offer enough choices to cover everything, or not insist that one be picked. Thanks!...

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