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 BOINC Census 2024  GR Café 12/08/24 07:43 pm

☝It's time for another The Science Commons Initiative sponsored BOINC Census!
There are a lot of new questions this year and I hope you all enjoy being able to give deeper feedback this time 🗣️
This form will close on the 26th of Jan 2025 ⏰
‼️ Please only complete this form once!
✏️ And make sure you give as much feedback as possible!
This census is not endorsed by BOINC but here are previous results:


 Re: 2021 BOINC Workshop ✨  GR Café 05/28/21 10:39 am

All 2021 BOINC Workshop videos are now online. There is a lot of awesome information documented here.

2021 BOINC Workshop - Day 02

2021 BOINC Workshop - Day 03


 Re: 2021 BOINC Workshop ✨  GR Café 05/13/21 09:34 am
2021 BOINC Workshop - Day 01 videos are now live!


 Re: 2021 BOINC Workshop ✨  GR Café 04/28/21 01:45 am
Day 3 - April 28 - Presentations, Community Discussion + Tutorials.
The agenda for Day 3 outlines another promising day in the BOINC workshop.

09:00 PDT / 11:00 CDT / 12:00 EDT / 17:00 BST+IST / 18:00 CEST / 19:00 EEST -- Est program duration: 3.25 hours

START Matt BlumbergWelcome + the day’s agenda

+00:10 Steven ClarkNanoHub

+00:25 Steffen MöllerBOINC on OpenWrt

+00:40 Marko JukicSiDock@home

+00:55 Breakout SessionTopic brainstorm + polling

+01:05 TRACK 01: Breakout Sessions

+01:05 TRACK 02: Project Setup Tutorial

+02:15 Full group:Breakout reports + discussion

+03:00 Matt BlumbergWrap up and closing notes


 Re: 2021 BOINC Workshop ✨  GR Café 04/21/21 10:18 am
Only hours away from Day 2 Tech Talks - April 21.
09:00 PDT / 11:00 CDT / 12:00 EDT / 17:00 BST+IST / 18:00 CEST / 19:00 EEST Est program duration: 3.25 hours

Register to attend if you haven't

STARTMatt BlumbergWelcome + the day’s agenda

+00:10Mohanty SharadaAICrowd

+00:25Medha AtreEydle AI

+00:40Max RyabininLearning@home

+00:55Panel:"Issues for AI on Volunteer Computing"


 2021 BOINC Workshop ✨  GR Café 04/12/21 10:19 pm
Please join us for the 2021 BOINC Workshop (this year, online), the annual showcase for research enabled by BOINC, and an open forum to discuss the technology and community.
Three Wednesdays in April: 14, 21, 28. Learn more and register at]

Learn, Discover, Participate, Build: BOINC Workshop 2021
3 Wednesdays in April: 14, 21, 28
09:00 PDT / 11:00 CDT / 12:00 EDT / 17:00 BST+IST / 18:00 CEST / 19:00 EEST

BOINC (Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing) is an open-source software — and community — that enables volunteers to donate spare processing power from their PCs, laptops, and phones, to power vital scientific and medical research.

Aggregated, these resources enable cutting edge research across mathematics, biology, physics, quantum chemistry, climate prediction and more.

The BOINC Workshop is comprised of three sessions. The first will showcase projects that using BOINC, highlighting the role of citizen participation in advancing scientific research. The second is a forum for BOINC projects to discuss the technology, their accomplishments in the past year, and technical needs moving forward. The third is an open-ended community discussion.

Who should attend?
The BOINC Workshop is for anyone interested in harnessing science, technology, and online community to advance knowledge and effect change.

(*Part of the workshop, “Tech Talks” and “Tutorials” will be focused on people running, or interested in running, BOINC projects.)

Where is the Event? How do I participate? Where do I sign up?
This year’s workshop will be online, via Zoom. Please register to get the event URL.

I’d like to present, who do I contact?
If you’d like to speak on any BOINC-related topic (science, technology, community), please register or contact us.

Can I watch a recording later?
We’ll be posting highlights to YouTube - but to participate in Q&A, and other interactive elements of the workshop, it’s best to join us live Smiley

BOINC Workshop 2019 presentations

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