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Latest posts of: Andrew Smith
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 Re: Volunteer Computing in the Classroom  Education 08/23/10 04:28 am
I see what you mean. I would love to see the inclusion of BOINC in the classroom as well. It would be longer-lasting than single projects that are over and passed as soon as they are completed, and it would be a very expandable item since there are so many BOINC projects. I wonder if you have any ideas as to how grid computing projects could actually be involved in the classroom though. The projects don't always have that much information availble to computer owners because either the processed information is too technical or progress is too slow because of the size of the project. I'm having trouble thinking how a class project could go beyond students simply learning about the projects. But I'd like to hear your (or anybody else's) ideas concerning this....

 Re: Volunteer Computing in the Classroom  Education 08/15/10 12:11 am

I've recently taken a technology advisory position at my university, and I've wondered about using the lab computers for grid computing (officially, through the university) because otherwise they just sit around all day either getting used for email and facebook, or they sit idle sucking up power. Many of them are really decent computers too, so they might as well do something worthwhile. If not to be used for grid computing through BOINC, perhaps they could be used for grid computing for student rendering projects or mathematical projects so as to also allow student education into grid computing and other involved projects.

My worry and expectation is that the administrative bodies of the campus computers, who are already lazy about maintaining the computers as it is, would be disinterested in any further complication of their job of maintaining the computers with any sort of projects like BOINC, despite the ease of its use. Is this what you are getting at?


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