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Latest posts of: Andrew Trubac
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 Re: Einstein membership question  Help 06/24/10 07:32 am

I do add or remove new computers every now and again, not to mention the occasional reformat or rebuild.. or that I have boinc installed on both the Ubuntu and Windows 7 installations on my laptop.. I would consider my account relatively active, considering I am but one man with a couple of cobbled togethor desktops and a laptop or two of dubious technical hardiness. I can't recall making any specific changes to my account, other than adding new projects or adjusting the weight every so often, but I don't know if there was anything specific.. I don't believe I had any of my computers crunching for them for a period.. perhaps they deleted my account after my account failed to contribute for a couple of months? I can't remember how long it was, or if it was even that project that I am thinking of. I am sorry that I cannot provide more details.. though I certainly appreciate your assistance!


Oh, and no, I have not joined P4P.. yet.


 Einstein membership question  Help 06/21/10 03:38 am


  I have been a GR member for several years now and have had Einstein@home as one of my primary projects since the beginning. Today I discovered that my Einstein account (as detailed on the project homepage) was not created until early march of this year (2010, about 3.5 months ago). This is not correct, as I have been crunching on that project for much longer. I am unsure of why this would be so, as I have been using the same email address the entire time, and my understanding is that as long as you are using >=boinc 5+ and are using the same email that the project information is shared. The GR website credits my account with over 6 billion points, but the Einstein site shows a little over 6 thousands credits. I don't know how/whether the points translate to credits, but something seems wrong here, and I have no idea whether I missed something or whether there is something wrong on the GR end.

Perhaps someone can assist me in understanding the situation, and whether there is anything that can be done at this point?

Thanks for everyone's time and energy :-)



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